
“Sarah is a very gifted teacher who foregoes egocentric​ nonsense and provides a loving, balanced, challenging environment in which to find your best and most personal practice. She's a strong teacher but is extremely intuitive as to your emotional and physical processes. Gifted, really.”

— Jeffrey Gillespie

“I’ve learned, somewhat later in life, that investing in myself generally pays big dividends and I must say that yoga privates with Sarah Sol have paid off handsomely. 

“Imagine being met exactly where you are and being completely accepted and cherished for precisely who you are.  Then imagine being gently guided to the deepest, most resonate and most emergent part of yourself and your yoga practice.  As a result of working with Sarah, my practice has grown stronger, more grounded and in a way that is difficult to describe, incredibly intimate.  Surprisingly, however, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

“Not only is Sarah a consummate teacher. ..her knowledge of human anatomy is encyclopedic and her understanding of the human condition is deep and wide.  Thus, each  session is tailor made to my specific needs on that particular day.   Sessions are educational,  healing and/or challenging in turn and I consistently get exactly what would be best for me at the time.

“Even when I don’t feel up to going to “it”, I am always up for going to Sarah because I know for certain that I will leave the session feeling more alive, , more grounded and more whole afterwards.  If you are longing to deepen your yoga practice or to have a more comprehensive understanding of how your particular body works. .. if you are wanting to be more connected to yourself body, mind a spirit, if you want to have lots of laughter and fun along the way. ..don’t hesitate!  Sign up for a yoga private today!”

—Karen Kimsey-House

“I’ve been reminiscing on the wonderful experience of deepening my practice with Sarah Sol lately and felt moved to share. I took her yoga intensive and teacher training program at the beginning of this year and I adored every bit of the experience. The program oozes the joy and love that she and the group at Rasa have for authentic yoga. Not only did it improved my practice physically but it also improved my knowledge of the human body and an element of self growth that was very unexpected but certainly welcome. Loved the program and all the support from the Rasa team..”

—Jenna Gallagher

“Sarah is my primary teacher, and an incredible friend, mother and human being. Her enthusiasm for the healing power of yoga is contagious, and she delivers it with humor and accessibility. She knows the practice in her bones and I feel safe in the containers she creates. If you want to learn more about your body and mind, and you believe yoga is a path to that, Sarah Sol is an excellent teacher to learn from. She was my main teacher for my 200hr, and I was blessed to be her teacher assistant for another 200hr. I love you Sarah!.”

— Krista Hagman

“I love Sarah Sol from the bottom of my heart. I am confidently teaching yoga to my students because of the time and energy she put into educating me on this great lineage. If you are considering a teaching certification, you would find yourself deeply blessed to have the opportunity to learn from her. I am ever grateful to have made that choice myself.”

— Rachel Dilworth

“The teacher training with Sarah Sol was an incredible journey. It was challenging and enlightening and my yoga practice has improved ten-fold! What makes Sarah's training unique is her dedication to preparing her students to be ready to teach right out of the program. Yes, this program is hard but the support you get from Sarah and your fellow students is remarkable. I went into this program unsure of whether I would teach or not but Sarah's expertise and compassion helped me find my authentic teaching voice and now I can't imagine NOT teaching! Highly recommend this program..”

— Samantha Willis

“It took me three years after moving from a thriving yoga community to finally fine someone who’s teaching I connected with. So grateful for Sarah. She is extremely knowledgeable, fun, and thorough in her classes..”

— Sadie Barr

“If there is even one iota of your being pondering whether or not to take the teacher training with Sarah Sol, then take a leap and do it!!! I have never been through a program that is not only so thorough in teaching asana, anatomy, how to sequence a class, the history and tradition of yoga and so much more but also blows your own heart so wide open that you are a new person after the program is over. Sarah is amazing. She's patient, empathetic, so extremely knowledgeable and one of the best teachers I have ever encountered. The training will turn your practice upside down, shake it out and become so strong you will wonder what you were even doing before. I so highly recommend the training and Sarah Sol.”

— Hilary Mankofsky

“Sarah is a very talented teacher! Her classes are challenging, insightful, and guided in a safe and charming way. I'm always thankful for her time and the energy she puts forth.”

—Leigha Owens-Pritchard