On-Demand Classes
Dear Yogis,
We are pleased to announce that our former donation class center has evolved into on-demand classes, now available for per-use rentals or through a monthly subscription. As before, part of our on-demand revenue will be generously donated to nonprofit organizations making a positive difference in our world.
This year, we proudly support Safe Zone Solutions, a local nonprofit dedicated to enhancing school safety by raising funds and providing vital resources. Their mission is to protect our children, teachers, and school staff from the all-too-common threat of school shootings.
Let us embrace each moment and take a deep breath before making tough decisions. Together, we can cultivate a spirit of patience, support one another, and uplift those around us, especially our children and elders.
Sarah Sol
PS: A very special thank you to Mariane Berry, former owner of Rasa Yoga Center in Medford, OR, who generously provided me with a large portion of my library of classes, initially recorded as Rasa Online Live Stream classes. Rasa Yoga will forever hold the fondest territory in my heart and history.